Category: Teaching

  • Tawaran tema TA mulai semester 2019/2020

    Terkait dengan kepindahan home base saya ke prodi S1 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak per 2019, maka untuk tawaran tema TA mulai semester 2019/2020 hanya terkait tema-tema Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Informasi detail akan saya susulkan.

  • Validating information in social media

    One of the problems on referring  social media as  information sources is the validity of the information. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate not only validity of social media information but also related attributes of information quality. If you have interests about the information quality of social media information, so please send me an email…

  • Information Architecture research offering

    Dear final students, This 2015/2016-1 semester one of my research interest focuses is information architecture. Therefore, I will offer limited topics to be taken for undergraduate and master students. Here is the list, and more information will be added later. Develop a framework to measure information architecture best practice of e-government – Compare some of…